D. New Features
- A bug was fixed that sometimes replaced <BR> tags by <P> tags wrongly, mucking up the entire document.
The styles of the following tags were changed: <DFN> <DT> <DD> <BLOCKQUOTE> <PRE> <ADDRESS>.
The ASCII set was changed to the one used by Netscape and MacWeb.
A bug was fixed that caused some windows to display off screen on some screens.
A bug was fixed that caused the scroll bar not to display right when opening documents.
A bug was fixed that prevented copying the source text and pasting it to other applications.
A bug was fixed that made the program write to the NIL address.
HTML Pro now recognises Unix line endings when opening documents.
HTML Pro now automatically inserts a space when opening a document where two words are separated only by the return character.
- HTML Pro now includes a Preferences dialog box.
HTML Pro now has options for editing previously created macros.
HTML Pro now finds double line breaks <BR> <BR> in the source code and converts them to a paragraph break <P> when saving.
HTML Pro now supports the home, end, page up and page down keys.
HTML Pro is now able to launch external viewers for GIF files, sound files, etc.
- HTML Pro is now able to open and save files in various formats including Unix and MS-DOS.
HTML Pro now recognises upper case letters in file name endings, such as .TXT and .HTML.
HTML Pro can now launch a viewer for inline images by command-clicking.
HTML Pro is now able to lauch external browsers for precise viewing of files.
HTML Pro now pastes TEXT into source window without converting!
HTML Pro now uses system 7.0's standard file package if it is available.
HTML Pro now saves the positions of the source and HTML windows and tries to restore them!
HTML Pro no longer does automatic <> &; balancing when deleting selections.
HTML Pro now keeps a Recent menu of Recent documents.
- HTML Pro now displays the number of characters in the bottom of the window.
- Now uses ASCII 10 instead of ASCII 12 for unix linefeeds.
Now replaces selected text when pasting.
Bug that caused crashes with macros longer than 128 characters fixed. The limit is now 256 characters, and the program doesn't crash even if it's exceeded.
- The font in the Edit Macro dialog now matches the selected source font.
The file name is now displayed in the title bar.
Closing of document is now supported.
- Nested lists are now displayed properly.
- The Launch Browser option now works better.
- The program now sends an "Open URL"-event to the selected browser if it is running and the user command-clicks a non-local link. TCP/ConnectII can handle these events, but for example Netscape can't.